Monday, April 18, 2011

Android Available For iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G, 3G And iPad Soon

Android for iPhone 4,  yes you read it write. I have just got some new information regarding Android for iPhone 4. According to hackers Twitter timeline, that
we will see Android coming to the iPhone 4 and iPad (may be iPad 2 too) very soon as the hackers who ported Android on iPhone 3G / 2G has already made a great progress on porting Android to newer devices.

First, cpich3g tweeted that they have very basic PMU on iPhone 4 OpeniBoot:

Thanks to @Oranav now we can have very basic pmu on i4 openiboot. We need more devs like him on @iDroidProject
Then he explains to one of his followers:
@DeceptiveJunk That means another baby step towards a useable openiboot which is essential for getting android on newer idevices
And the well-known BlueRise says that it works on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G and Apple TV 2G:
Awesome! The iPhone 4 NAND code seems to be fully working with the iPod Touch 4G and aTV 2G. iPad untested because @iRekoil isn't online. :p
Adding that it also works on iPad 2 as well:

iPad is working well, too. :)
Now has pretty much been confirmed that we'll see Android coming on all new devices as iPod touch 4G, iPhone 4, iPad, iPad 2 and Apple TV 2G very soon. Oh, they won't miss iPhone 3GS too. Stay Tuned

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