Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Adobe TV App Now Available For iPhone & iPad

If you are the creative type, chances are you’re familiar with Adobe TV, a great source for tutorials and how-tos. Now you can get your learning on the move,
with Adobe seeing fit to grace iOS devices with streaming video right from your mobile browser via tv.adobe.com.

This is great news for those that like to watch videos on their mobile device while still keeping their main display free for following along on, and it’s brilliant to see Adobe offering a feature that’s been their most frequently requested. Adobe were, however, quick to add that this has nothing to do with the ongoing Adobe Flash war the company is having with Apple.
In a post on the official Adobe blog, Bob Donlon said:
Why did we do this? Plain and simple, it is by far the #1 feature request from our audience. And it was no small task.  I am really proud of what my team has accomplished with this, and once I’ve gotten some sleep I’ll be sharing some of the challenges we faced in pulling this off.
But, to be honest, this post has an additional intent, other than the self-promotional aspect. I want to emphasize the following: we added iPad/iPhone support because our customers asked for it. It’s that simple. There’s no subtext related to Flash, which we continue to use to deliver our content onto Flash-supported devices. We believe in delivering our content to all platforms and devices that are meaningful to our audience. We also believe in using our own tools, the best authoring tools on the planet, to create cross-platform, cross-device experiences.
Whatever the real motives, more content is good no matter what, so hats off to Adobe for bringing their content to iOS.

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