Saturday, January 8, 2011

WSJ Confirmed Verizon iPhone On 11 January

Yesterday, we knew that Verizon wireless is holding a special event next Tuesday January 11st, 2011. The Wall Street Journal has confirmed that this event is going to be for the long-awaited Verizon iPhone 4.

The largest U.S. wireless carrier will make the long-awaited announcement at an event Tuesday in New York City, a person familiar with the matter said Friday.
All Things Digital reports that Steve Jobs will join onstage with Verizon Wireless’ President & COO Lowell McAdam to announce Verizon iPhone 4:
While the appearance isn’t 100 percent assured, sources in a position to know tell me that, barring any unforeseen circumstances, Jobs will likely join McAdam onstage in New York when he announces the addition of the iPhone to its handset lineup.

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