Monday, April 25, 2011

Why The iPhone Is Called By This Name ?

At the outset i wish to draw attention to this subject, why apple choosed to label it's devices with iPhone, iPod, iPad and iDevices any way.And aware of this issue is a personal endeavor and personal view and this view may be facts and may be not. 
Some of us are aware of the project, which is under the Masonic Lodge USA.Since the United States of america is now the world's superpower it Started to announce its new Masonic Lodge, which it called the new world order. The new world order Is the system works for them engineers, doctors, lawyers, police and ministers spent companies, institutions, and everyone works for the benefit of this project is secular.
This project has taken numerous symbols and these symbols have continued and have meaning
and for example :
The lion unicorn crown:

This symbol refers to your family first and Pharaonic the first Jewish family and the crown represents the kingdom of Great British and the Jewish origins of the King.
The symbol is found on many of the world's leading products, which invaded the world markets and these products increase the strength of the project Masonic Lodge and the influence on the world.
and for example:

It is the most important symbols used by Freemasons, a symbol of the eye and which refers to the sun god in ancient Egyptian civilization.

And eye refer to the expected Antichrist one-eyed and waiting for the elite, which now dominate the world in order to complete the project Masonic Lodge.

The evidence for that, the USA now put the U.S. dollar as currency of the world and always stays in the foreground

If we look carefully to the dollar, we will find the pyramid and the eye icon in the summit, the main Masonic Lodge

Hence the choice of Apple careful to label their products for example, iPhone means EYE Phone not iPhone we spell it EYE Phone, EYE Pod and EYE Pad  

iF you want to see more images for EYE Phone click here

This made the iPhone is the best mobile device in the world, as well as all evidence indicates that Apple Freemasonry serve this project and offer masonry products which are the best in the world. 
I hope that you like this subject, thanks for reading and if you want to know more about the elite and the project of Masonic Lodge open Youtube and write "Arrivals" in search box you will get 58 serial for arrivals series and enjoy with secrets, facts and mysteries about pharaons,muslims, jews, masons, usa and ellite

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