Saturday, December 18, 2010

Windows Phone 7 VS. iPhone 4 [Video]

The guys over Zollotech have made a 20 minutes video comparison between Windows Phone 7 and iPhone 4 iOS, you will note that the guy who prepared this presentation, seemed pretty impressed with Windows phone 7, finding it faster in some applications. Check out this comparison yourself after the jump.

The 20 min review is pretty thorough, and he notes significantly that he never dropped a phone call on Windows Phone 7 yet, a meme that’s going round a bit about phones running the OS, on AT&T at least.

While Windows Phone 7 does not yet have hundreds of thousands of apps, it should be clear from the video phones running the OS provide a fully viable alternative to the iPhone.
Now, Are you with or against the result from this comparison, let me know in the comment section. [via WMPowerUser]

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