Tuesday, December 7, 2010

PSGRADE Free PS3 Downgrade Hex Released And Master Key Here!

 Since the release of PS3 Firmware v3.55 there is no sense in keeping the master key a secret any more - it has been released, along with unencrypted payloads, and a promise to release the source-code by PS3YES. Of note, the downgrade hex will only work on PS3's with a firmware of 3.50 or below.

The same team which brought the PSN spoof for online support of jailbreaks now has also brought us a Free Downgrade HEX for the PS3! PS3YES has released un-encrypted HEX files for downloading.

Of note, The master key has been stated to be:

04 4E 61 1B A6 A6 E3 9A 98 CF 35 81 2C 80 68 C7 FC 5F 7A E8

PS3YES has stated, to quote:

"Our downgrade firmware is based on the PSGrade project, we will open the source soon.

Support for the following:

PS3YES AT90USB162 8mhz
PS3YES AT90USB162 16mhz
AT90USBKEY at90usb1287 8mhz
Teensy++ 1.0 at90usb646 16mhz
Teensy++ 2.0 at90usb1286 16mhz

Remember PS3YES were the first to release that PSN Hack that lasted a week on their Chinese forums!

Also sadly v3.55 is out so you can only use this great release to Downgrade v3.50 or LOWER firmwares!

NOTE: Importing the HEX to other devices using current payload converters will NOT work!"

PSGRADE Free PS3 Downgrade Hex Released - Master Key Found!
Download from here:

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