Tuesday, July 20, 2010

PagePreview for iPhone and iPad Available in Cydia

Yesterday, I posted an article about this amazing App, PagePreview, With this teak you can Slide to any page with one move, no more scrolling over and over. Well, This App was under design by Developers of SBRotator and Now it's Done and available in Cydia!

Here's the Description of the App:
-For iPad, iPhone/iPod & iOS4
PagePreview is here!
-Slide to any page with one move, no more scrolling 10 times left and right to move to the page you want.
-Preview all your pages with one touch & drag.
-Launch applications instantly, even if they are 15 pages away.
You can Add by Searching in Cydia for PagePreview, it's available in BigBoss Repo for $1.74!
[Thanks Dennis Rigdon for hat tip]

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