Showing posts with label HTML5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HTML5. Show all posts

Monday, December 20, 2010

Chrome 10 include free HTML5 games.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Greystripe and Adobe are working together to Deliver Flash Ads as HTML5

Greystripe and Adobe are working together to bring ads to iDevices all around, with technology that might one day enable the real reasons we want Flash as well. They are developing an interesting solution to transcode Flash to HTML5 on the fly for iOS, Android and “mobile web”. Press Release after the Jump...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Apple Showcase HTML5

Apple has just published a new Page on it's Website known as "HTML5 showcase" which is compatible with most of devices including iPad (WOW). They encourage developers to Use HTML5 instead of Flash. They show why Flash is no longer necessary by the Demos on the site.

As mentioned in the website, they don't need Flash anymore on their Devices, in April Steve Jobs wrote some thoughts about Flash and why they don't need it. Also they mentioned the following:
Standards aren’t add-ons to the web. They are the web.
This means that HTML5 is mature enough for wide adoption, and sites which require add-ons to display content are a thing of the past. In an obvious jab at Flash. [via Padgadget]