Showing posts with label BGR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BGR. Show all posts

Monday, August 2, 2010

JailbreakME Opens a Security Hole? But can be Solved!

Yesterday, JailbreakME was released to jailbreak all iOS devices including iPhone 4 Apple device, but some people asked "if comex could figure out to access our devices through a website! then why can't anyone get in there?" Well, that's true, it really opened a security hole and it allows for malicious access for your device.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

FaceTime coming to iPad and iPod Touch [Report]

Boy genius report some Exclusive News, BGR reports that Apple's popular feature FaceTime is coming to their iPad and iPod Touch? Yes, and may be also for Mac Books and all their devices, Apple wants to spread FaceTime on it's Mobile Devices and even Computers.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Oh, Remember Steve Jobs Conversion that was a Fake, It's REAL?

Do you remember that Conversion with Steve Jobs and Tom from Boy Genius Report. After Apple said it's a fake and Steve Jobs didn't do such a conversion, Now Boy Genius Report says that Steve Jobs email wasn't fake and it was real, they have proves and they got a perfect post!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

iTunes Cloud and Wireless Sync Coming Soon [Confirmed]

Boy Genius Reports has just posted that an interesting article concerning some of iTunes Cloud services and features will be coming as Streaming music and movies from your computer to others, Also BGR announced an amazing serivce which is Wireless Sync with Devices!