Saturday, February 13, 2016

iOS 9.3 will be released in March according to Apple

iOS 9.3 is in beta testing process by Apple for more than three weeks, and many users eagerly await the launch of iOS 9.3 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, and the wait will not be quite so long.

iOS 9.3 will be released in March according to Eddy Cue, senior vice president of the Internet division within Apple, he saying yesterday that OS X 10.10.4 will be launched in March with a new version of iTunes and iOS 9.3 will be available safe with him.

Apple is testing iOS 9.3 and OS X 10.10.4 in parallel, as tested all updates iOS and OS X simultaneously for more than a year and the final versions of both operating systems will be released the same day or 1 / 2 days apart from each other.

We already know that Apple is organizing a conference on 14 March to present new products, and yesterday we learned that iPhone 5se and iPad Air 3 will be launched on 18 March, so it's pretty clear that iOS 9.3 will emerge somewhere in the four days that separate events.

If you were to give me their opinion, I would say that iOS 9.3 will be released on 14 March or 15 March, but regardless of which of the four days will be chosen by Apple, the update for iOS will definitely be available before iPhone 5se and iPad Air 3 will be launched.\

That said, at the moment there are no doubts about the fact that iOS 9.3 will be released in March by Apple, and if the conference date remains one announced by rumors, then the above data are quite safe for the launch of iOS 9.3.

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