Sunday, January 31, 2016

3 Cydia tools - to change the system and add effects and new options, very distinctive

Jailbreak available for the latest version 9.0 until 9.0.2, the most famous tools began to support the latest version, we have not only left us to continue to offer the best tools for you, with us today three distinct tools.

1- Fingal tool to increase distinctive impact on Icons

Just as you see in the video shown earlier, this tool enables you to add dynamic effects on the icons, the question may be what the benefit of these effects? The answer is when fans of this kind of tools, those who wish to make their device iPhone vibrant and moving icons.

Just like the clock application, which is moving its icon on the timing, this tool adds these movements, and the user can download more from the movements of the other icons by downloading and installing the theme Shakeit plus.

Like Fingal tool? You can get them for free in Cydia.

2- Redesigned Notifications tool to control in the form of notices

We continue to offer modified system tools, this tool you change the distinctive design and shape of the traditional flat and notices that are displayed in the lock screen, or in the Notification Center, the presentation of your choice, where you can choose to make the notifications in a circular shape or change the background colors.

You can do so either notices that appear on the lock screen, or notices that appear in the main Notification Center, all of which you can do by going to the tool settings after downloaded and installed through Cydia.

Like Redesigned Notifications tool? You can get them for free in Cydia.

3- ClassicSwitcher tool for design functions Old bar

If you use an old devices iPhone, iPad exactly what before the system iOS 7, and the emergence of multiple new taskbar, and we mean by that bar that appears by clicking on the main button twice, and contains the applications that run in the background, maybe you do not like this design, you want to get the old design as iOS 6 system?

You are in the right place today, with ClassicSwitcher tool you'll get what you want, simply download this tool and activate the appropriate options you through the settings, where you can add a feature to close open applications at once, and change the order of icons, all with simple steps.

Like ClassicSwitcher tool? You can get them for free in Cydia.

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