Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Top 10 Android features, which is copy to the iOS 10

Despite what he says Apple, Android devices is not so bad. Many smart phones like the Moto G cost less and work faster most affordable devices on iOS. Some components like the camera in the "Google Phone" worth up to $ 200 to successfully compete with top solutions Apple.

The last few years, Google is actively working to improve the interface of the Android, bringing to mind the many aspects of the original program shell. Ten of them would be the perfect complement to the upcoming iOS 10.

1. The status bar in the style of Mac

For the first time introduced the graphical user interface, Apple has reserved the status bar at the top of the screen for the menu options. During the development of this line in Mac received additional indicators and icons of hours searching, the center of notifications. This space in iOS is practically empty, and use elements of a mobile phone operator name, or battery percentage seem superfluous. Android uses a status bar for various system notifications, third-party applications, the status of downloading files, complete the installation program. More opportunities for this area would be a welcome addition for iOS 10.

2. Mode DayDream

Screensavers can be not only beautiful, but also useful. Android offers users a feature DayDream, which allows you to display information on the screen during charging. When connected to a docking station, you can display a clock or news feed. DayDream includes dials, animated wallpapers, photo gallery and other content. Apple could borrow feature, because it allows the gadget to be useful even in those moments when he is not doing anything.

3. Setting emergency alert

The iOS and Android has support for "public notification" (Alert System for missing children AMBER or about hurricanes and other natural disasters), but on the Android much more flexible settings with the ability to limit its work at night, while in iOS implemented approach "all or nothing. "Such unexpected notification may scare the user while driving or sleeping. Android allows to divide the warning of serious and extreme, disable vibration and choose how often to receive notifications. Apple could learn from Google's approach in this matter.

4. Google Now

Assistant automatically from Google contextual offers cards with information about navigation, weather, news, events and much more. Apple tried to implement similar features in iOS 9 using the Proactive Assistant. But the final result is only vaguely reminiscent Google Now. Apple needs to do a lot of work to create a real alternative to the Assistant Google.

5. Virtual buttons

Many Apple fans may disagree, but the rejection of the physical buttons in favor of virtual allowed to get rid of a large "chin» Android-devices, without sacrificing functionality. On iOS 9, there was a virtual Back button in the upper left corner of the screen, but it is not as intuitive and easy as on Android. Disclaimer Home button will increase the size of the screen, while maintaining the dimensions of iPhone. In the end, Touch ID sensor can find another location.

6. Unlimited Google cloud  Photos

Apple motivates purchase a subscription to the extra space in iCloud, explaining that users do not have space for backups and photographs. Google allows you to store settings and optimized versions of the photo in an unlimited amount, even in the most low-priced Android-devices.

7. Customizable desktop size of folders, widgets.

iOS has set the standard appearance of the home screen, which provides a simple way to create folders. But Android has gone further and offers ample opportunities for setting up the arrangement of icons on the home screen and a more rational use of the working area of smartphones. Apple is definitely worth adding the flexibility inherent in the platform Google: make work more comfortable with folders, add the ability to change the size of icons.

Widgets - one of the main features of the interface Android. Interactive elements can be fixed on the desktop, expanding its functionality. The user can make the home screen a big clock, favorite contacts, tape Facebook, the latest incoming emails, labels for pre-defined routes of navigation, etc.

8. Support multiple users

OS X supports a multiplayer mode. Starting with Android 5.0, the owners of many of the devices were able to create multiple accounts. Perhaps this function is more suitable tablets than smartphones, yet it allows you to safely pass the mobile device to another user. It is expected that this feature in iOS is still under development.

9. Animated Wallpapers

If possible configurations wallpaper Google's operating system has long surpasses iOS. Android allows to change the picture just a couple of touches. In addition, you can use the fully animated 3D- or 2D-wallpaper. The initial set of dynamic and static background images, Apple is extremely limited, so in the eyes of many consumers, Android wins in this aspect.

10. A more flexible approach to security and location-based

For many years, Apple hinted at the possibility of changing the functionality of iOS, depending on the place where the user is located, be it an office, school or car. Android offers two versions of this function. Smart Lock automatically disables the password on the lock screen when the device is in a "trusted location". For example, when you connect your smartphone via Bluetooth in the car or in the mode of connection to the "smart" watches. The second implemented by individual manufacturers like Motorola and lets you change the notifications functionality mode, depending on where the device is located, and even - as it is oriented in space.

And what Android feature you would like to see in iOS 10?

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