Sunday, November 8, 2015

iOS 9.2 is faster than iOS 9.1 on older devices [video]

Videobloger iAppleBytes posted a video which compares the performance of iPhone, which has two versions of iOS - 9.1 and 9.2 beta 2. The purpose of roller: to compare the performance of operating systems.

As it turned out, iOS 9.2 speeds up the "apple" devices. Especially noticeable effect on older models - iPhone 4s and iPhone 5. In particular, we can see that the gadget iOS 9.2 beta 2 runs a bit faster and the opening of regular application takes less time. A relatively new iPhone 5s difference in speed is not so noticeable. Perhaps in the new release, Apple has decided to optimize the operating system for older devices.
The second pilot edition of iOS 9.2 was proposed by the company this week. In addition to the correction of errors in the "smart" watches Apple Watch and cloud keychains iCloud, has been improved behavior Safari View Controller, «engine» Safari browser within the application window is now eliminated swipe gesture.

The real novelty is the support function NumberSync, lets you take calls and to initiate them from any approved device even over the Internet. Continuity function now allows to use Mac, iPad, or iPod touch for phone calls if the user's device connected to the same wireless network Wi-Fi. In this case it is a Wi-Fi-calls that do not require a finding in a network with the iPhone, - can be at least a hundred kilometers away, and even out of network coverage.

iOS 9.1 vs iOS 9.2 beta 2 on iPhone 4s:  


iOS 9.1 vs iOS 9.2 beta 2 on the iPhone 5:

iOS 9.1 vs iOS 9.2 beta 2 on the iPhone 5s: 


 It is hoped that the final version of iOS 9.2 normalizes performance fingerprint scanner Touch ID - some users iOS 9.1 reads fingerprint patterns is carried out correctly.

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