Friday, November 13, 2015

Google launches a new beta of Chrome for iOS on TestFlight

Google released a new beta version of Chrome for iOS via TestFlight Apple, now open to some 2,000 beta testers. Those who wish can take a beta from this link, to availability of vacancies.

In the past, Google has never released to the public a beta of Chrome for iOS, but with this version of the well have changed. By the way, Apple has recently expanded beta testers activated on TestFlight from 1000 to 2000, thus allowing developers to invite more users to test each app.

Among the novelties of this version of Chrome we include support to 3D Touch on iPhone 6s, allowing you to quickly activate some functions (open card, voice search, switch to private browsing) exerting greater pressure on the screen. The new Chrome also supports new shortcuts via Bluetooth keyboards connected to iPhone or iPad.

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