Friday, October 16, 2015

Media: Samsung will not produce processors A10 for iPhone 7

Stage cooling of relations between Apple and Samsung will affect processors for new products Californian giant. According to Chinese newspaper UDN, «Fruit" company refused to cooperate with the Koreans in the production of the A10 chips to be used in the iPhone 7, as well as the new iPad in the second half of 2016.

The struggle between TSMC and Samsung for the major share of orders from Apple for the production of single-chip platforms kupertintsev conducted more than a year. Most of the main computer module SoC Apple A9, apparently, is manufactured at Samsung.

The struggle between TSMC and Samsung for the major share of orders from Apple for the production of single-chip platforms conducted more than a year. Most of the main computer module SoC Apple A9, apparently, is manufactured at Samsung.

The next round, according to the source, will be at TSMC. With reference to informed sources, the resource indicates that TSMC and all will be the exclusive supplier of 16-nanometer platforms Apple A10 next year. They will be manufactured using the technology of volume chip layout InFO (integrated fan-out). The reasons for the conclusion of Apple's exclusive contract with TSMC, are not specified.

The current platform Apple A9, according to some sources, TSMC and Samsung are available in equal shares. Moreover, the chips are produced in different manufacture (14 nm from Samsung, 16 nm in TSMC) and, as a consequence, have different crystal area. According to tests, in most scenarios iPhone 6s processor TSMC are working longer in offline mode, as well as less heat than specimens with chips Samsung.

Observers note that orders Apple has played a critical role in the dynamics of the growth of Samsung. If the South Korean corporation will lose such a big customer, it would have to suspend some or plants, or to transfer the released capacity for the production of its own smartphone. For the second option, however, it is necessary to significantly increase the sales of "smart" phones.

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