Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Apple released the first video for reality virtual

U2 released in the course of today the first video clip for the Song for Someone, and to the surprise of many it is conducted using virtual reality equipment, the company Apple Music publishing it in for all those interested.

This is the second music video released in Apple Music can be seen using virtual reality systems, Apple making a second step to the platform without nevertheless suggested in any way that could develop devices that allow viewing Content mode.

The first virtual reality video clip released by Apple by Apple Music was a remix of The Hills artist The Weeknd, such as those we see increasing interest in Cupertino to give Apple users access to such content Music.

U2 is a band very close to Apple, a year ago the Cupertino newest offering free studio album for all iPhone owners, so it no longer amazes anyone exclusively.

Apple has various patents for virtual reality systems, but until now has not developed such a device, but it seems that it is interested to offer even content to devices for virtual reality and will be interesting to see what we will offer in the future.

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