Friday, October 2, 2015

25 ways to use 3D Touch the technology on iPhone 6s [video]

iPhone 6s offers a completely new way to interact with a mobile device - for the first time in its history, the iPhone can distinguish force pressing on the display. In addition to such familiar gestures Multi-Touch, like touch, swipe, mixing and dilution of the fingers, 3D Touch technology allows you to use functions Peek and Pop. And it's a whole new dimension in the work of the gadget.

Thanks to 3D Touch can view very different content and work with it without even opening. Technology provides many features of iOS 9 to the usual user actions have become more intuitive. Available many new opportunities that open up with one simple click.

3D Touch does work with mail easy and convenient. To look at the letter, it is enough to press it lightly. Content displayed in the upper part of the email interface. If the letter is short, this preview will suffice. And if you want to know all the details, press the letter a little harder to open it in full screen.

If someone sent a link to a website, Peek feature allows you to show its previews without leaving the current application. We need a little click on the link to see the top of the page like in Safari. To return to the letter. you just need to let go of your finger. If you need to see the full page in Safari, you must click the link a little stronger, and feature Pop open the site.

Another useful feature is the application concerns Photography. If the user wants to see your images without having to switch between applications, it can easily click on the thumbnail pictures. The image will open along with the scrubber bar to move between images. To see all the pictures you need to brush away to the left, not weakening pressing. And to continue to shoot, simply remove your finger from the screen. If you want to see more photos, click on the display should be stronger - now you can share your image, edit it, delete, or add to favorites.

If someone sent an address, the function Peek show it on the map directly to the application in which the user is located. Easy to click a link - and the location will be shown on the map at the top of the screen. If you stop pushing, the application will return to the screen with the address. And if you want to explore this area in detail, press a little harder to function Pop unfolded a map on the screen.

When using the 3D Touch smartphone provides tactile feedback, so that the user not only sees the result of his actions, but feels the intensity of each key. Read more about how to use the new display technology can be seen in the video below.

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