Monday, September 28, 2015

Users are faced with the problem of overheating iPhone 6s

No release of the next iPhone is not complete without the detection of any problems in his work. For example, last year, users are faced with the fact that the device is bent in your back pocket, and iPhone 4 users can not make calls if you hold the smartphone in a certain way.

Until now, it seemed that this cup has passed a new iPhone 6s. However, a few days after it went on sale, some users began to complain about the overheating of the device.

According to some owners of iPhone 6s, camera flash is not activated until the smartphone is cool. The device is equipped with a new processor A9 production of Apple, which significantly increases the performance compared to the previous A8. However, some users began to notice that the iPhone 6s heated much stronger than its predecessor. The temperature of the iPhone 6 in the active state is 32 degrees Celsius, while the iPhone 6s with its super-fast processor - about 38 degrees.

The fact that the new generation iPhone more heat should not come as a surprise. New smart phones with more powerful components are known for their propensity to heat and iPhone 6s - is not the first. Do not forget about the high rates of productivity, demonstrated the device during testing. However, the fact that the user can not turn on the flash, means that the smartphone more put overheats.

So far, reports of problems with overheating received not so much. However, the situation may change as iPhone 6s went on sale just a few days ago.

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