Sunday, September 6, 2015

The release of the first major Windows 10 update postponed until the end of autumn

The first major update of Windows 10 called Threshold 2 should appear in October 2015, ie three months after the final release of the operating system. However, according to available information, the release was postponed until the end of autumn.

According to participants of the program Windows Insider, the new release will receive a minimum number of innovations. Microsoft aims to improve the performance of the browser Edge and is working on support for extensions for it. It is also expected the new universal instant messenger that can rationally filter messages from multiple sources.

Even with the changes described above Threshold 2 will not be a major update - its main purpose will be the elimination of errors in the operating system and improving productivity.

It is noted that the users will get the update as a «Windows 10 Update for November» or «Windows 10 November Update», which highlights the absence of any radical change.

Next year is expected to debut Windows 10 Redstone - a larger update with new features and capabilities.

Earlier this week it was reported that on July 29 released the OS captured 5.21% of global market share, ahead of Windows Vista and Windows 8. At the same time free distribution model is not allow Windows 10 to surpass OS X yet. According to StatCounter new platform is still behind the operating system Apple, the share of which now accounts for 8.17%.

Analysts predict that in the next few months share of Windows 10 will grow at a modest pace.

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