Friday, September 25, 2015

Samsung tried to sell Galaxy S6 edge in line for iPhone 6s

When you stand in line for a brand new iPhone 6s, the last thing you would expect in this moment - advertisers Samsung, offers you to buy Galaxy S6 edge. However, that is exactly what happened with the Apple fans in London.

On Friday, the British division of Samsung arranged a promotional campaign Galaxy S6 edge and S6 edge +, and selected for the Regent Street, where shoppers gather iPhone 6s. Donning the posters of smartphones, advertisers began to approach people in line to the central Apple Store, giving them gifts and to offer Galaxy S6 edge. The slogan on their placards - "The desire to move is only growing," - sent to the last South Korean novelty.

Samsung blankets handed out to people with the hashtag NextisNew and leaflets calling to go with the iPhone to Android. Apple fans were offered to go to the nearest store digital technology Carphone Warehouse, which sells Korean smartphones.

At the same time Samsung has launched the action on Twitter. The main purpose was to demonstrate the meaninglessness of many hours of waiting the start of sales of iPhone 6s, as "the most exciting smartphones» Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge are now available for sale.

It is not known whether there were "apple" mob turncoats, but obviously amused by the many attempts to Samsung.

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