Friday, September 25, 2015

Jailbreak iOS 8.4.1 soon. Hackers calling revert running iOS 9

Recently on the forum Reddit was reported that hackers are developing jailbreak iOS 8.4.1. This was written by a user login Leofravega. It encourages all enthusiasts rollback running iOS 9 to iOS 8 and very little wait.

Many users probably will not want to go back to iOS 8 after meeting with the new OS version, in which the developers have added some exciting new features, but certainly there are those who prefer to take this chance to rollback.

It is still possible to go back to iOS 8.4.1 - Apple has traditionally after the release of each new OS briefly leaves the possibility. It is worth noting that the bill is literally days. Therefore, all interested in the jailbreak, you should downgrade to iOS 8.4.1 now. Of course, the version of the operating system can then be updated, but if Apple will close the "window" sign flashing, go back to iOS 8.4.1 no longer work.

Recall, Apple has stopped signing iOS 8.4 on  22 August this year - nine days after the release of iOS 8.4.1. The window for iOS 8.3 was closed on 7 July after seven days after the release of iOS 8.4. The moral of the fable? Most likely, the time to install iOS 8.4.1 is running out, given that the release of iOS 9 on 9 days ago.

Speaking of iOS 9. As it became known, is working on the creation of an exploit for the ninth edition of iOS. Moreover, this week the company Zerodium indicated its willingness to pay $ 1 million for exclusive access to jailbreak iOS 9.

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