Friday, September 25, 2015

iPhone 6s against iPhone 6s Plus: a test of strength [video]

On Friday, 25 September, the official sales of new smartphone Apple. Those wishing to buy iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus lined up even before, but as it turned out, not all gadgets are required as a phone: to some they needed to see what's inside, others - for testing.

Journalists PhoneBuff decided to test the strength of the iPhone smartphone 6 Plus is a large-screen, simultaneously comparing it in this regard with the iPhone 6s. New flagship structurally differ little from each other, so the purpose of the experiment - to see how the presence of a 5.5-inch display effect on durability.

PhoneBuff test was conducted on a drop in the most common situation - with the chest. Each device was thrown three times - on the back panel, on the bottom and on the front side, after each experiment assessed the damage.

Safety glass iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus successfully passed the first two tests. After falling in the phone only minor scratches were formed. Landing on the screen led to the destruction of the protective glass of smartphones. The experts concluded that the new iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus most vulnerable point is still glass, but the result of the fall depends on the position in which the device will fall.

The experiment was, oddly enough, brings practical benefits. All of us, the users of mobile devices trying to protect their gadgets, exposing them to a minimum load. Of course, iPhone may just happen to slip out of our hands and fall to the ground or asphalt, but it happens very rarely. These crash tests allow us to find out what will happen to your phone, if it is going to do.

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