Saturday, August 22, 2015

Apple disabled the Dashboard by default in the latest beta version of OS X El Capitan

Apple disabled the Dashboard by default in the seventh beta version of OS X El Capitan. The panel, which provides a brief overview of the information that uses on a daily basis, such as weather reports, notes or calculator, has not been updated in four years.

Despite reports of a number of resources, the Dashboard is present in OS X El Capitan. In order to "return" it, just go to Settings -> Mission Control drop-down menu and select the Dashboard -> As space. After this will press the Dashboard key on the keyboard to activate the panel.

Dashboard first appeared in OS X Tiger in 2005. This function provides access to a number of functional and entertaining mini-programs called widgets. In OS X contains interactive blocks for popular applications such as the "calculator", "Contacts" and "Calendar", they provide quick access to contacts and events without having to open the program. You can add more widgets to the panel Dashboard, as well as create their own.

Add and remove widgets in Dashboard very simple. You must click the button in the lower left corner of the screen. This opens a special browser, which displays all the widgets that are installed on your computer. To remove a widget from the panel Dashboard, press the button "Delete" (-) in the lower left corner of the screen, and then click "Close» (X) unnecessary widget.

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