Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Download Internet Explorer 10 [Direct Link]

         Platform Preview:
The Platform Preview is an early look at the Internet Explorer platform so some features are in complete, some may change, and some may be added. To learn more about
this preview of the Web Platform, please see the Internet Explorer 10 Developer Guide. These release notes list new features available in the latest Platform Preview and known issues with those features. To report issues, and provide feedback please click on Report Issue and click Send Feedback.

What is New in Internet Explorer 10:
Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 1 is the first public preview of the IE10 web platform. In this release, we are showcasing support for CSS3 Flexbox, CSS3 Grid Alignment, CSS3 Multi-column, CSS3 Gradients on background-images and ECMAScript5 Strict Mode.
If you are going to give Internet Explorer 10, please do report any bugs you find – it is the only the way Microsoft can make Internet Explorer into a real competitor to Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

Download Internet Explorer 10

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