Tuesday, June 9, 2015

iOS 8.3 vs iOS 9 - All changes in images

iOS 9 was introduced by Apple WWDC conference on 8th June 2015, and many were curious to see the differences evident from the current iOS 8.3 and Apple brought what changes especially at the interface. As you already know a few months before, iOS nine focus more on improving the performance, stability and better optimization for old devices than on new features, but that does not mean they are not missing. So let us see what are the differences between iOS interface September 1 and iOS 8.3 beta. Read more after the jump.

We include brief virtual assistant Siri changes in the, Spotlight section, application notes, configuration and maps.

1. Latest Applications can be seen differently:

2. New section Search

3. Siri interface

4. A new menu for battery consumption

5. Music app

6. Safari

7. Camera

8. Camera Settings

9. Maps

10. Notes

11. Contacts

12. Manage Notifications

13. New options in the Settings app

14. disappearance Passbook application and replace it with Wallet

15. Music Settings

(Source: Phone Arena)

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