Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Technology promises to capture power to devices over the air

Nikola Tesla pioneered the wires for electricity transmission. Some years later, Heinrich Hertz proved that it was possible to transfer this type of energy in the air, the question is: why still insist on a transmission medium invented in the nineteenth century.

Today, Nikola Labs announced a device that converts radio frequencies in electricity. The first product derived from this technology is a cover for iPhone 6, which converts 90% of the energy wasted by telephone to amplify your signal back to it, increasing its total storage capacity by up to 30%.

The cover does not function as an extra battery, it works passively growing electricity the phone itself and the blocking to be missed. The idea is that it has sue own Kickstarter until the end of the month and get together enough money to be released until next year.

The technology, developed jointly coma University of Ohio, can run on any type of mobile device and is one of the first steps to creating accessories increasingly able to capture energy from the air.

The Nikola Labs expects to sell its cover for $ 99. Incredibly, the company is now installed in the same building in which Nikola Tesla lived most of his life.