Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Monkey, the interactive keyboard that makes sending multimedia content

Write and send a link to copy and paste has become incredibly old and dated. With Monkey Keyboard, the new keyboard proposed by the organization, will be able to chat regularly, but at the same time send check in Danmark, share a file on Dropbox or send a link to Spotify, interacting at best with your contact and making place in the world where you are at that moment.

The philosophy of the new app, there are three simple concepts: the cross-platform, users need of any kind of data and knowledge regardless of where they are and where they're writing, switch between apps to find it is very annoying . Emulating those who were scripts of MSN, which allow you to perform actions with a simple string of code, Monkey Keyboard is a free keyboard that will soon be available for iOS, so iPhone and iPad, and that will allow you to create links hypertext simply writing / search in your text field. Obviously there are different actions that can be followed by /, such as / Spotify followed by the artist or album you want to play: you can find yourself chatting with a friend who absolutely want to hear the latest song by Katy Perry and then run the command / spotify Katy Perry will be the most immediate and obvious to do.

If you need to send the contact, the phone number to someone, just type / contact, so as to have immediately at hand a list of your agenda: Select the contact to send and everything will be transformed immediately into the text. Also thanks to the Monkey button that you can find next to the space bar - will suffer a slight decline in this case - you will be able to access any other service offered by the keyboard, from Dropbox to Wikipedia, YouTube to Giphy, through Yelp and Github .

Monkey will work with any type of app that will allow you to have an instant messenger, Kik, WhatsApp, KakaoTalk, Viber, Line, Messenger or iMessage, in a totally free, no cost, by offering a complete service that will allow you to avoid switch between chat and your browser or your app: the communication has no brakes, now. Of course we will keep you informed about news concerning the release and the progress of the project, which for now remains in very embryonic stage.