Thursday, May 21, 2015

Media: Apple will present the iPhone 6s in August, sales will start in September

Apple last year introduced the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is traditionally in September. And, as it happens too often, we are used to hearing about problems with the manufacturers of components for the iPhone, which do not have time to fulfill orders Apple in time.

 However, now there are rumors that assure backward - with new iPhone is all well and the company intends to submit them even earlier than usual. Previously I wrote about this edition The China Post, and now confirmed KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.

As reported with reference to sources in the environment, suppliers of components responsible for the production of components for the new smart phones successfully cope with the tasks, and their work may be on display in early September. Sources say that in Cupertino have decided to start selling iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus right in the beginning of the school year, and to present the device in August.

In the case of an earlier launch of the iPhone is not primarily a matter of production (which, it seems, almost for the first time everything is in order), and software. It is clear that Apple will not release a new smartphone operating system iOS 8 and thereby slow down the growth rate of the transition to a new version of the operating system, however, and earlier release of the firmware may cause the market of crude product.

Despite some surprises with these rumors, a certain logic in the earlier start is still there. The main reason could be the beginning of sales at the same time with the beginning of the school year, which will lead to an increase in sales of iPhone, new records - everything is so fond of Apple. And the earlier release of the new iOS will make sense only in one case: there will not be a large number of new features, and the company will focus on bringing the work of the mobile OS to a more stable form than was observed in the first versions of iOS 8.

If the sources are not wrong, then some hints earlier we can start to receive already in the WWDC 2015, scheduled for June 8. For example, the number of changes in the mobile platform. This year, Apple can not only release two or even three iPhone, but also seriously increase the performance gadgets. In addition, it expects to see the new color in the palette iPhone.