Thursday, May 21, 2015

Apple did not allow the update to the App Store because of the word «Android» screenshot

Developers of applications from the Danish studio Robocat complained rule store App Store. Apple refused to place upgrade on the grounds that the screenshot to the program featured the word «Android». Among the rules of moderation tied to the fight against kupertinovtsy software platform for Google users attention.

The app is a news aggregator Breaking filter by keywords. When you try to upgrade to version 1.3, developers were refused. As it turned out, the image in the list of news at the Center for notifications moderators App Store saw the word Android. The name "enemy" platform can barely see in the picture, but it was a sufficient reason to refuse to post update.

As developers write in his blog moderators Apple refer to paragraph 3.1 of the rules placing applications in their store. "Applications or metadata that mentions the name of any other platforms are forbidden to place," - said representatives of the IT giant to the request of journalists.

Funny fact is that this is a screenshot of and so in the online shop in the current version Breaking 1.2.1. The four previous update with this picture did not cause any issues from Apple, outraged Danes.

Terms of App Store is not the first time raised questions among developers. In the past, Apple has removed the application Launcher, allows you to create shortcuts for actions in different programs and use them as widgets Notification Center "because it violates the rules of the shop." Later, the company revised its decision and let the app in the App Store.

In February, Apple announced specific rules applicable to gaming in the App Store, according to which screenshots should correspond to the minimum rated 4+. This means that a developer may refuse to place the application, if the screenshots and icon will be placed weapons, or will attend the scene with elements of violence.