Thursday, May 28, 2015

Apple is developing proactive as rival Google Now on iOS 9

Apple may be mobilizing its team of developers to invest again against a Google service. According to sources who claim proximity to the subject, Proactive, or proactive in literal translation, is the new tool of iOS 9 to provide quick information and organized users, before they even know that seeking such details. Time, Siri, Calendar, Passbook, Maps and third-party apps will provide the details to an integrated multimedia center.

 Remember something familiar? Well, Google Now would be the benchmark for the new mobile operating system from Apple.

9to5Mac The team was responsible for having access to confidential information yet. Taking into account the newspaper historiography when it comes to Apple, there are good chances of iOS 9 actually receive the 'treatment Google Now' when it officially appears. Proactive therefore show locations nearby that can please the device's owner, reveal the outcome of football matches, for example, would provide the weather forecast and even schedules and flight destinations. In fact, the new iOS app, if any, will be very complete.

The new project would be a great evolution of the spotlight, handy utility to slide down the main screen of iOS, where you can get in-depth information on the iPhone or iPad, such as messages with a certain content, contacts, apps, music, e-mail or to find terms in Google or Wikipedia. Proactive, in turn, replace the need to be redirected to another application for details, since the data would be unified into a single interface. And all done by an algorithm that filters content based on personalized importance to users.

Apparently, Apple is working on proactive few years, perfecting the most of your creation for the public debut on iOS. Now Google has been around since 2012 in Android devices, absorbing various functions over time and incorporating the so-called 'cards'. Results of sports games, nearby attractions, where to find gas stations, have a little extra help to remember where you parked the car and other facilities, it all without typing a word. Will Apple can create a service to match?