Thursday, May 14, 2015

Apple postpones the launch until the autumn the platform of "smart house» HomeKit

The concept of "smart home" has long existed but is slowly gaining popularity. According to the publication Fortune, Apple is forced to postpone scheduled for spring launch its own platform HomeKit.

"Fans of Apple, forward to the early launch of the platform automation HomeKit, will have to wait. Sources close to the program said that the dates were moved from the period of May-June to September. "

In January, the exhibition CES 2015 showed a lot of manufacturers of devices that supports Apple HomeKit, allowing users to control home appliances using iPhone and iPad. However, the appearance on the market of such devices, according to the new information is not expected before the autumn.

Minutes of Apple, announced in the summer of 2014 in conjunction with iOS 8, using a common language that allows smart devices to exchange information securely synchronize with smartphones and tablets. It is possible to write "scripts" for each of his day, including a definition of the action, such as turning off lights, temperature control in the building, speakers, etc.

One reason for the delay was the later than planned, with the support of certification gadgets HomeKit - licensing program began only in November last year. In addition, the role played by specific performance standards to be followed by manufacturers of chips and devices - Apple has published these standards in October.

As Apple has not officially commented on whether it is possible to consider a delay of the launch of the platform this fall.