Saturday, May 9, 2015

Apple begins to notify fellows who will go to WWDC 2015

On Friday (8), Apple started sending notifications to scholars attending the Wolrdwide Developers Conference 2015 free without paying the normal ticket costs US $ 1,599.

The e-mail showing the company's reporting has been shared by several people on Twitter and shows that the guests will attend a special orientation session scheduled from 11:30 to 16:30 on the 7th, where the company promises conversations with engineers Apple and "hands-on, collaborative activities," where the winners will meet each other. The conference, in fact, begin on 8 June.

Apple has distributed 350 bags in 2015, an increase of 200 on the number that was offered in the previous year. In addition to developers and ordinary students aged from 13 years, the company's goal is to reach out to members and alumni of 20 organizations dedicated to promoting STEM (involving science, technology, engineering and mathematics). As an example, the company includes the Black Girls Code, and LaTechLa.

All "normal" tickets have been bought by their regular rates and Apple sent confirmation to buyers last month.

The WWDC is a good opportunity for developers at hand not only a way to enhance your skills, but also to have a visual well near future Apple products. It is expected that the company presents to the public the future iOS and OS X 9 10:11, but also a new Apple TV model and possibly the long-awaited music service for streaming.