Saturday, November 8, 2014

EFF: ‘Jailbreaking Is Not a Crime’ And We Will Fight To ‘Keep It That Way’

Despite the jailbreak has lost the charm of the past, there are still many users who make this procedure to have more control on your iPhone. In the United States alive the debate about its legitimacy, and now to express was nothing less than the EFF.

The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) is a non-profit organization of lawyers and legal paid to the protection of digital rights and free speech in the context of today's digital age. In a post published yesterday, EFF wrote that "Jailbreak can not be considered illegal."

This important position could shake up the debate in the Congress of the United States, where for years you expect a definitive answer on the legality of this practice. Proponents argue that the Jailbreak is a procedure entirely legitimate, as a mobile legitimately purchased can not impose restrictions on its own.

For the EFF, copyright law has no impact on jailbroken phones, as it does not impose limits on how owners can use the devices they have purchased. And also in terms of software, a practice of this kind is not going to affect any rights acquired by the various companies that produce cell phones, and iOS Android.