Thursday, November 13, 2014

iPhone 8 First Concept With Leaked Images

iPhone 8 First Concept With Leaked Images - iPhone 6 has recently released with two models iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. Now, we will show you the first concept of the next iPhone with images. Some webs and forums recommended that the next iPhone will be iPhone 8 not 7 but we can't assured until now. Let's see how will be the next iPhone as a prediction after the following leap.

It seems from the pictures that the iPhone 8 looks like iPhone 6 ( for example near the edges ) but it is marked by a new design. This concept is a concept of the future because it is the concept of a product that definitely will not see on the shelves for a couple of years and in fact it has a very innovative design. Before seeing the iPhone 8 Indeed, we will see iPhone 6S, iPhone 7, 7S if Apple will continue the line that is following for quite some time.

A graphic designer named Steel Drake published the graphic concept of the iPhone 8. The iPhone 8 would be characterized as a smartphone made from a unibody of glass and aluminum ( a bit like the iPhone 4 and 4S ). The aluminum cover just certain areas of the device, such as the lateral regions, the buttons and the antennas.

Now we attach some pictures of the concept remembering that this is not in any type of images "leak" of the future plans of Apple but these images are only the imagination of a graphic designer.

iPhone 8 Leaked Images :