Monday, February 10, 2014

Your iPhone With Flappy Bird Installed Equal More Than $134,000 At Auction On eBay

Well, If the much-discussed Flappy Birds has been removed from the App Store. Who had already downloaded it on his device will continue to play indefinitely, even reinstalling it through the "Purchased" on App Store if he had temporarily canceled. Let's read more after the jump.

The popularity of this game is undoubted that was able to climb the charts on the App Store worldwide in a few weeks. Owing to its popularity, many users are trying to ride the crest of a wave putting their iPhone auction and reaching in a short time figures to say the least absurd.
" Only those who have already downloaded the game can continue to play with it, while those who have not downloaded will never play again " must have thought that the different users , before you decide to auction your iPhone.
At the time of writing this article, a black 16 GB iPhone 5S (whose only peculiarity is Flappy Birds have installed) has reached the price of $ 99,900 as a result of more than 70 offers.
The news is even more absurd is that it is not the only one: doing a quick search, there are also other devices that have reached much higher figures , such as an iPhone 4S at this time is $ 134,000 and to many others who are around 90,000 $ .
Surely many of these offers were made by friends to raise the price, but in all cases the figures achieved are nothing short of absurd . What to say whether this move will work, these users will earn $ 100,000 more in their life easy. Stay tuned for more coverage.