Thursday, March 28, 2013 Has Achieved The Eighth Most Popular Web All Over The World Has Achieved The Eighth Most Popular Web All Over The World. The way in which Apple has changed the lives of billions of users is truly remarkable. Its products are innovative, and their sturdy but basic aesthetic inimitable, from Apple computers, to the iPhone and iPad. You can see full rank of the Tenth most popular sites all over the world after the jump. Has Achieved The Eighth Most Popular Web All Over The World :

Recently, research firm comScore conducted a survey of the world’s most popular Web proprieties, and the fruit company has secured the eighth position in the results. If we compare this outcome to last year’s figure, the number of visitors to has increased by 54%.
Indeed, has become so much popular, many Apple fans prefer online purchasing to get their new gadgets, in favor of visiting Apple’s famous pristine stores.
On the other hand, experienced a 16% gain in traffic, while the largest online store Amazon gained a 27% increase in hits. Largest social networking website Facebook saw a 20% increase.
One interesting and relevant fact that should be noted about this survey, is that its statistics included both personal computer and mobile phone visitors.
You can view the 100 most popular websites in the image posted below.
Noticeable increase in web hits was seen in different companies, such as Groupon, which had 223% increase, Zynga 211% and Pandora 183%.
From this survey, it is also clear that the Apple website is gaining much popularity among people of different ages, and this is also probably due to the amazing products by the fruit company.