Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Microsoft Competes Apple TV By Building An Xbox Set-Top Box

Apple products invaded the markets as usual. Apple TV is a not a diffused device but it still the greatest device which competes most of the other set top boxes on the market. Now we can find that Microsoft is planning to build there own Apple TV type of device to compete with Apple. Sources at Microsoft have confirmed to The Verge that the Redmond company has plans to introduce a low cost alternative to its Xbox console that will compete more directly with the Apple TV. Let's read more after the jump.

The move would allow Microsoft to increase its presence in the living room by giving consumers a cheaper option than purchasing the next-generation Xbox console. The Microsoft set-top box will be unveiled in 2013 alongside the next generation Xbox, with a release date before the holiday season.
Rather than supporting hardcore gaming like the Xbox, the Microsoft set-top box will run core components of Windows 8 and support casual gaming titles. Hardware specs weren’t revealed yet, but The Verge is reporting that Microsoft will use a chipset to enable an “always on” device that can boot quickly and provide near-instant access to TV and entertainment options.
Regarding rumors of the planned set-top box, Microsoft released the following statement:
“Xbox 360 has found new ways to extend the console lifecycle by introducing controller-free experiences with Kinect and re-inventing the console with a new dashboard and new entertainment content partnerships. We are always thinking about what is next for our platform and how to continue to defy the lifecycle convention.”
