Sunday, July 15, 2012

How To Backup Cydia Tweaks & Keep Them From Losing Because Of Upgrade, Restore Or Re-Jailbreak [ Guide ]

Well, most of our fans and idevices users were suffering from losing Cydia tweaks and data when they upgrade their firmware or restore to fix bugs. So we worked hard to help you and give you the best solution to backup your installed Cydia tweaks and keep data from losing. Let's see our step by step guide after the jump. 

How To Backup Installed Cydia Tweaks [Guide]:

Backup Installed Cydia Tweak is used to save and keep your tweaks out of :
  • Upgrading your firmware with restoring method.
  • Re jailbreak your device.
  • Restore your device to fix some issues.

How to Backup installed Tweaks ( 1st Solution ) :

1- In order to backup your Cydia Packages you can write down your list of packages by opening Cydia App then Manage –> Packages, then reinstall them after restoring your device.
2- instead of writing them down, you can use AppInfo from Cydia its free and After restoring, go through your list and reinstall them.

Note: Appinfo displays information about installed apps, repo/packages and native apps with export your iPod’s library and knows in which folder are your songs.
For another easy method, You can install AptBackup from Cydia through the BigBoss repo its free, which will allow you to backup your installed Cydia Apps on your iPhone it will saves your package list in your iTunes backup.
You can backup your installed Cydia Tweaks with AptBackup by this method :
  • Install AptBackup via Cydia through the BigBoss repo.
  • Backup the installed Cydia apps, by tapping on the “Backup” button which will create the list of apps.
  • Then sync the iPhone with iTunes so that the list gets synced to iTunes.
  • After updating your iPhone to the latest iPhone firmware, load your iTunes backup onto your phone, then jailbreak it and reinstall AptBackup again via Cydia.
  • Launch AptBackup and click “Restore” to reinstall the Cydia installed applications based on the list that was backed up using iTunes.

How To Backup Installed Tweaks ( 2nd Solution ) :

I think that this method is very difficult it needs users that are familiar with SSH and terminal commands, you can make a backup list using dpkg. To make a backup list of your installed sources and packages:
  1. Go into Cydia and install the APT 0.6 Transitional package.
  2. Pull the/private/etc/apt/sources.list.d/cydia.list file, which contains your custom sources.
  3. SSH in to your device and run the following command: dpkg –get-selections> cydia-apps  This will create a file called cydia-apps in your root folder/private/var/root/(and you can then download this file to save your installed apps).
To restore your backup list of sources and packages:
  1. Restore to your desired version, jailbreak, open Cydia, and install OpenSSH andAPT 0.6 Transitional
  2. SSH into your phone.
  3. Copy the cydia.list file you saved in step 2 to /private/etc/apt/sources.list.d/and copy the cydia-apps file to /private/var/root
  4. Next you need to run these commands from the ssh terminal:
apt-get update
dpkg –set-selections < cydia-apps 
apt-get -y dselect-upgrade
And when prompted Do you want to continue [Y/n], hit Y.