Sunday, May 6, 2012

iPhone 5 Expected Body And Size With Screenshots [ Rumors ]

Well, a huge number of rumors have spreaded regarding iPhone 5. some says that it will have bigger screen, improved processor and even better cameras, While other depicts about its case and body. However, Earlier today, we came across another rumor, according to the things posted on a famous weblog, iLounge the next-gen iPhone will have 4.0 inch display, metal body and the small dock connector. Check the images below after the jump.

As posted by iLounge, the next generation iPhone will be slightly larger than this current version, however, it will have metal body from back and will be 20% thinner than the current iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. Currently, the iPhone 4 and 4S has a perfect size and one of the best designs in the whole cellphone market, but due to large screen size demand, Apple will probably release an iPhone with 4.0 inch screen.

Well, lastly another strange thing is unveiled by iLounge that the next-gen iPhone will have a new dock design which will be small with fewer pins, however, it will be universal across all devices. Currently, the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad has 30 pin dock but the next-gen iPhone will probably have 16 pin dock connector. Lastly, the most important thing is that the next iPhone will be released in this fall.
What do you think about the Next iPhone? Will you buy iPhone 5 or iPhone 6 or so-called iPhone 4G with bigger screen? Let us know in the comments section below.
