Saturday, December 10, 2011

Why Apple Choosed Beta To Release Siri ?

Siri is considered the most important topics which sites and forums concern. Now a days a lot of hackers and developers are working hard to run Siri on old idevices starting from iPhone 4 till iPod but till now they are facing many problems. Read more after the following jump.

Despite making it as  "Beta" , criticism has taken over it . Ex-IBM researcher Benoit Masion wrote an article on his blog this criticism and recommended that it could only be improved by making it available to the masses. 
I worked on speech recognition with IBM Research for nearly six years. We participated in DARPA-sponsored research projects, field trials, and actual product development for various applications: dictation, call centers, automotive, even a classroom assistant for the hearing impaired. The basic story was always the same: get us more data! (data being in this case transcribed speech recordings). There is even a saying in the speech community: “there is no data like more data.

To improve Siri, engineers must painstakingly look at the requests that she could not understand (in all languages!) and come up with new rules to cope with them.
So Apple can include a new feature in the latest handset so that the engineers can collect all the failed responses in as many multiple languages and variations as possible and come up with new fixes for them.
It is important to understand that unlike Apple’s hardware and app designs, Siri’s software could not have been fine-tuned and thoroughly tested in the lab prior to a glorious release. It had to be released in its current form, to get exposure to as much variability as possible all the way from the acoustics to the interpretation of natural language.

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