Saturday, December 10, 2011

iOS 5.0.1 - iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak Is Displayed With Video

lately, we were so sad when Comex announced on his twitter account that he is not going to jailbreak Apple devices anymore. But with bad news we often find a good news. Yesterday Pod2G the well know iPhone hacker and developer has released a video showing how to untethered jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 and iOS 5. Few weeks ago MuscleNerd has released another similar video showing how to untethered jailbreak iPad 2 running on iOS 5. So we have two projects in hands exploit to untethered jailbreak iOS 5 and that's great. Let's check Pod2g video after the jump.

Previously Pod2g warned us from updating our iDevices to iOS 5.0.1 as his iOS 5 untethered exploit may be patched in iOS 5.0.1, but now Pod2g is confirming that his exploit was successfully able to bring untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 and this the great hope which we are waiting for.

Check The Following Video For iOS 5.0.1 & iOS 5.0 Untethered Jailbreak:

iOS 5.0.1 / 5.0 Untethered Jailbreak Release date :

Unluckily Pod2g hasn't announced any estimate date for releasing iOS 5.0.1 or iOS 5.0 untethered jailbreak. But we highly expect and recommend to wait until the official release of iOS 5.1 to keep it away from Apple hands.

New Update : Pod2G has opened new blog and announced information about the upcoming steps for iOS 5.0.1 and iOS 5.0 untethered jailbreak :
Today I succeed in jailbreaking my iPod 3G.

The exploit is user-land, rely on a user ROP payload and a kernel write anywhere exploit.

I can't give much details right now, but here are the next steps :
- upgrade the iPod 3G to iOS 5.0.1
- do the same on iPhone 4 / iOS 5.0.1
- then iPad 1 & iPod 4G

At every step, the exploit code needs certainly to be reworked, but I really don't know right now.

Next, I'll return to the research for iPad 2 and iPhone 4S. I don't know if I gonna release first for other devices or not. I've to think about it.

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