Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This Video Shows An iPhone 4S Shoot With 50 Incendiary Rounds

This is a crazy video shows crazy guy when shooting his new iPhone 4S with 50 rounds incendiary. In this video Siri has been asked are you bulletproof ? I think this question has been answered clearly in this video. let's see the video after the jump.

It never ceases to amaze me about what people will do to get your attention so today’s video tidbit shouldn’t be much of a surprise. After all we’ve seen MacBooks, iPhones and iPads go through all kinds of hell on the wrong end of a gun and even a PT Cruiser.
So it shouldn’t surprise you that someone has taken the iPhone 4S and shot it with a .50 caliber incendiary round. He even goes so far as to ask Siri if it is bullet proof. See how Siri replied and how well the iPhone 4S did or not after the break.

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