Friday, September 23, 2011

iPhone 5 First Defect Appears In Touch Panel

Apple is facing a big trouble. As noted by DigiTimes that a defect has presented in some iPhone 5 touch panels that produced by Wintek. 

This bad situation may affect the ability to meet initial shipment targets for the launch which expected to be in the mid-October according to recent rumors.

On the other hand, Wintek is indicating that all delivery dates are on schedule:
The defect, "delayed bubble", is difficult to avoid during panel production, particularly when the defect is not detected during the process of laminating touch panels, and only later found during assembly, the sources said. Since the manufacturing process of touch panels used in iPhone 5 is of the same as that for iPhone 4, Wintek is expected to remedy the defect quickly, the sources indicated.
By the way you have to know that Apple aims to ship 25025 million units of iPhone 5 by the fourth quarter, confirmed according to reliable sources.

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