Thursday, September 8, 2011

Download Gym Training App For All iDevices

Gym Tainning App has been released by providing hundred of excersie guides and gym workouts. Guides are designed by qualified personal trainers for providing spot on guidance to beginners.

Increase in global obesity made Andrew Barham to launch a Gym Training app to provide simple fitness plans to the users which can effectly improves overall health and fitness.

Commenting on the release, Andrew Barham, Pharmacist and CEO of Weightplan said 'With predicted rises in global obesity, and increasingly inactive lifestyles I feel passionate that exercise should be accessible to everyone. Weightplan offers a simple solution to total wellbeing incorporating a three-pronged health, food and fitness approach. By making little changes to our activity we can all vastly improve our overall health and fitness.

Download Gym Training App [iTunes Link]

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