Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Download Fifa Soccer 2012 Now For Mac

Electronic Arts (EA) and TransGaming has released FIFA Soccer 2012 for the Mac on Tuesday. It is the first time for Mac platform to release popular FIFA soccer football game.

If you’re familiar with the long-running franchise from its past appearances on video game consoles, FIFA 12 is a major change. Central to this edition’s crop of improvements is the Impact Engine, which more accurate models physics like player-on-player collisions (this also affects player injuries). Also new in this release is Precision Dribbling, which lets you handle the ball with much more finesse especially in tight spaces or when you’re trying to manage the pace of the game.
It is a great step for Mac to run a game like Fifa 2012 which will attract a lot of users .We think that will be a great attitude to increase the users of Man as such games are a very interested and will make a revolution in Mac Sales.
Download Fifa 2012 For Mac ($39.99) 

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