Saturday, September 24, 2011

Apple To Cancel Vacation Days Over Second Week Of October Preparing iPhone 5 Launch

In an expected step Apple has blocked out work permits and vacation requests for employers over the second week of next October, as it is confirmed that Apple will release iPhone 5 and iOS 5 so there is no time for vacations this days in Apple as the big event is about to be held.

More specifically, the iPhone maker has in some locations blacked out vacation time for employees from October 9th through 12th and October 14th through 15th, according to people familiar with the matter.
About iOS 5.0 Release Date:
The first block of dates -- the 9th through the 12 -- could pertain to the release of iOS 5 for existing iOS device owners on Monday the 10th. As AppleInsider reported last week, certain segments of the company's AppleCare divisions have been told to prepare for an influx of iOS-related inquiries on that same day.
So let's wait and see what are the upcoming days hide for us ?

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