Monday, July 4, 2011

Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G On iOS 4.3.3 With JailbreakMe [Video]

Nowadays, we knew that the jailbreak community now focusing on iPad 2 jailbreak from Comex. Yesterday we told you about the jailbreak hacker who leaked the iPad 2 jailbreak PDF files. Here's some guys were able to use the leaked jailbreak files to jailbreak iPod touch 4G on iOS 4.3.3. You can watch the video after the break.

Here's the leaked files for iPad 2 jailbreak Click Here.

Make attention: Keep in your mind that this jailbreak is still beta version and may crash your Safari, so we highly recommend to stay away from it and wait for the official release of iPad 2 jailbreak which almost set to launch tomorrow Click Here.

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