Friday, July 8, 2011

Apple Will Launch iPad 2 Plus Or iPad 3 This Year

It is still an ambiguity that either the upcoming iPhone will be titled as “iPhone 4S” or “iPhone 5”. This ambiguity will be brought into light with the release of the new iPhone in the later quarter of this year. The same is the case with one of the most attractive and valued device iPad2. It is also heard that apple is planning to upgrade its iPad 2
to iPad Plus instead of launching new iPad 3. The launch of this new iPad Plus is after the six months of launching of iPad 2. The new name iPad 3 is also rumored with the naming scheme adopted by Apple for launching its new products every year.

The new iPad is to be focused on because of the higher screen resolution as compared to the previous generation iPads. An analyst Craig Berger reports
"There are some indications from the supply chain that Apple may look to introduce an 'iPad 2 Plus' device as they put out request for quotes from various component suppliers for this marginally different device," FBR Capital Markets analyst Craig Berger wrote in a note to clients.
Berger’s report about iPad 2 after the launch of iPad, has been proved true this year. His new report about iPad Plus will be revealed later this year.

If we take a look on the iPad and iPad2 then we observe a remarkable up gradation, dual camera, 33% thinner than the previous one, stronger processor and enhancing the graphics, all these changes were enough to be made to iPad 2. On looking at the changes and advancements in ipad2, if we still talk about the addition of higher resolution will be a marvelous addition to iPad3 or iPad2 Plus. This will result enhancing the graphic resolution to 250-300 ppi. But all these improvements are still in search of their implementation and giving Apple users a new experience.

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