Saturday, April 30, 2011

White iPhone 4 Is Thicker Than Black iPhone 4 With [Screenshots]

One of MacRumors readers has noted a difference between white and black iPhone 4, he found that white iPhone 4 is ever so slightly thicker than black iPhone 4. You can notice in the
below photo, that the plastic on White iPhne 4 is slightly thicker.

white iPhone user :
Just picked up the white iPhone 4 and realized it doesn't fit into my Incase slider case. It appears that Apple has increased the size of the plastic that borders the glass on both sides by about 1mm.
How much is the accurate difference ? The folks at Tipb have calculated the difference at 0.2mm. They also tested some cases which seemed to worked for both white and block iPhone 4.

The strange is that Apple did not mentioned for such difference in officially white iPhone 4 specs.

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