Sunday, April 10, 2011

The New Virus After Jailbreak and Unlock On iOS 4.X [Warning]

Warning !! We received this information this morning and released it immediately. Send this alert to everyone you know!!

The distribution of the destructive virus happens with a App from internet pages about Fake Jailbreak and Unlock presentation called:
UNLOCK NOW FREE”. DON’T go to this page from iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch), if you do this, however, you’ll see -10-15 seconds of an animation followed by the text: “DOWNLOAD UNLOCK 2 NOW FREE”. Then it’s already too late and your information will be cleared (SIM and idevice information).
What do you must do to a void this Virus :

  • If you search information about Jailbreak or Unlock for iPhone or iPad –> search this information from Mac or PC, but don’t do it this from iOS device.
  • If you like search information about Jailbreak or Unlock for iPhone or iPad from iPhone or iPad –> search this information from original pages (examples:,,,

To stop this virus it is necessary to inform all internet users as soon as possible so this virus gets NO chance to survive…
via [ikeygen]

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